Learn how Conoptica helped Willemin Macodel solve measurement challenges for plunge milling tools

Customized software for your machine tools? No problem. New software enables precision measurement of plunge milling tools.

Influence our roadmap for custom enhancements

At Conoptica, we follow a rigorous roadmap that delivers updates and innovations for our customers. Occasionally, we’re asked to produce custom variants to accommodate new requirements – and that’s just what we’ve done for our friends at Willemin Macodel!

Willemin Macodel is a long-term Conoptica partner and produces machine tools for a variety of sectors – watchmaking, jewelry, dentistry, medical and aviation – to name just a few.

With more than 45 years of experience, Swiss-based Willemin Macodel is an acknowledged expert and leader in the field of machine tools.

Our CU2 Tool has long been used to provide in-situ measurements of cutting tools – helping Willemin Macodel to maintain the precision that its customers demand. Of course, there are different kinds of milling tools and, recently, we were asked if we could adapt our CU2 Tool solution to support the needs of plunge milling tools.

As you know, these cut material essentially by essentially drilling out shapes, leveraging axial rather than radial force. This is particularly advantageous for material that’s difficult to cut, such as Titanium – commonly used for components in the industries served by Willemin Macodel’s customers.

Software enhancement for embedded CU2 Tool

This creates a new set of measurement demands, but our team responded to the challenge, rapidly developing, implementing, and delivering a new software release that will allow CU2 Tool to adapt to the demands of plunge milling.

Specifically, the new release allows Willemin Macodel to measure one of its special plunge tools, in turn, allowing users to achieve tolerance of +-/3µm on workpieces – providing the accuracy its customers need for precision plunge milling.

The software update was applied to the existing CU2 Tool embedded in Willemin Macodel’s 701S milling machine – which offers “unrivalled precision for micro-machining applications”. If you look closely, you can see “Conoptica Inside”, here.

In turn, this will allow users of the machine to meet the standards their customers expect – so, it’s a win-win for all of the stakeholders in our ecosystem. And, while it was a pleasure to work with Willemin Macodel to deliver this innovation, it’s also another example of how our R&D team is ready to listen to any such request – so we can see if we can deliver to special requirements and product enhancement requests.

We make significant investments each year in our innovation program and roadmap – but we also depend on insights from you to help specify further requirements. So, if you have a unique need, why not let us know? The Conoptica team is ready to listen – and then deliver!