
News Articles

The transition to clean energy needs to be successfully wired

Clean energy: these days the term sometimes seems inescapable, doesn’t it? Whichever side of the fence you sit on regarding its uptake and the broader subject of environmental concerns, such issues are front of mind in both the consumer and enterprise worlds, hotly debated by the public, politicians, and corporate leaders alike. The topic is...
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The importance of recalibration

Recently, we addressed the question “what is calibration?” and provided a general overview of the subject. But calibration itself is not the end of the matter. In fact, after a measurement device has been calibrated, you’d be mistaken to imagine everything is good to go without any more attention required. First, it’s a matter of...
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Want great teeth, need great machine tools! That means accurate measurement. Seriously…

As a reader of these blogs, you’ll probably know that in the world of measurement we care a great deal about terms like accuracy and precision. So, you’ll have to forgive the following, unvalidated (and thus somewhat out-of-character) claim. It’s this: no one likes visiting the dentist. Seriously. There’s enough anecdotal evidence to suggest that...
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In our recent series, we’ve devoted a blog to explaining and understanding each of the key terms used in measurement technology (terms like true value, accuracy, precision, etc.) In this final instalment, we’ll investigate the term “tolerance”. Unlikely a way as it sounds to start a blog about a key aspect of measurement systems, the...
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How can you use accurate measurement to help reduce waste in the production of wire and cables – and promote sustainability?

Find out with Kjell Johnsen from Conoptica at the IWM conference, ‘Energy Innovates – Growth Through Sustainability’, 14th-15th November, in Birmingham, UK. Waste is endemic to production processes – including those for wire and cables. Reducing this waste is a key metric to help boost sustainability. And, it also reduces costs and helps protect margins...
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Medical instruments: the importance of measurement systems

Think of healthcare and the medical industry and three words will likely spring quickly to mind as being of foremost importance: precision, quality, and safety. A fourth term, while perhaps less immediately obvious to the layman, underpins them all: accurate measurement. It applies especially to the production of medical instruments. Stethoscopes; ophthalmoscopes, needles, speculums; most...
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In this blog, part of our series on the basics of measurement, we’re going to look at “precision”. It’s one of those words that we use in everyday life without thinking twice about its meaning. But in the world of measurement and measurement systems, perhaps not surprisingly. We must be a lot more careful. In...
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The automotive industry – reliant on accuracy in machine tooling

Building cars is a complex process in which the role of machine tooling is central. Let’s take a closer look at how and why that’s the case. Broadly, automotive manufacturing involves seven steps. These are: Obtaining and then working/reworking the raw materials from which the car is madeThe design (body and engineering) of the carThe...
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Tool geometry on stage at EUSPEN

This week saw EUSPEN’s annual conference take place in Copenhagen. If you’re not already familiar with that organization, EUSPEN is a community of influencers drawn from industrialists, researchers, and other authorities. It aims to advance the arts, sciences and technology in ways related to precision engineering, micro-engineering and nanotechnology. The conference focused on a variety of...
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Cable and Wire Fair 2023 New Delhi

Between the 6th and 8th October, we’ll be in New Delhi for Cable and Wire Fair 2023. It’s the biggest wire industry trade show on the sub-continent, having grown exponentially in the past five years as the wire manufacturing industry has expanded. That’s not surprising. The Indian economy is growing rapidly with booming manufacturing, infrastructure,...
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